Sunday, February 14, 2010

Countdown 365 ~ T- 45

Total Miles: 56.6 Miles ~ Wildlife: 9 Moose
With the feeling of spring in the air today, I decided to take an afternoon photo trip. I drove my normal upper Anchor River route with an extension to the Homer Spit. I did not have far to travel to find my first moose, I was not out of my driveway. In total, in mid afternoon I counted a total of nine moose, three of which were in my neighborhood. Just happen to to catch a glimpse of the moose in the picture below. This was on the upper Anchor River. Considering all of the moose I have seen this winter, this is the smallest calf that I have witnessed. This calf was about half the size of the other calves that I have seen. I watched it for quite sometime without seeing the mother. I am only assuming, but I think it has lost it's mother and having to fend for itself. If it is a lone calf, it is relying on it's natural instinct by picking out the thickest alder patch it could find to provide food and protection. I wish it well during the remaining winter.
"Alder Sanctuary"
"Afternoon Nap On The Lower Anchor River"
Leaving the upper Anchor River, I drove into Homer to find that the afternoon temperature was 43 degrees under cloudy conditions. Typical of the Homer Spit, the wind was gusting to 30 - 35 knots and again out of the east. The majority of the eagles were once again sitting out the wind and saving their energy. This trip, I did see several Sea Otter off shore but not wanting to come in close enough to provide a good shot.
"Eagle In The Glide Pattern"
"Wheels Down And Locked"
"Perfect Water Landing"

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