Monday, July 19, 2010

Countdown 365 ~ T-200

With just 200 days remaining in this calendar year, plans continue to be made for my "Bucket List" photo shoot trip. For the next thirty days, I will need to be content in shooting local shots with very few trips into the field. In the next thirty days, the Bull Moose will have their full growth of antlers and starting to slip velvet in preparation for the rut that will start the latter part of August or early into September. I continue to monitor the "Eagle Nest", they continue to raise their three babies but spending less time on the nest. Not out of neglect but lack of room for an entire family gathering. The little ones are now about half the size of their parents. Although, the adults do spend less time on the nest now, one normally remains on guard in a tree just a short distance from the nest. I have noticed that they always perch in the same tree, but once they are on they perch they roost among the leaves hiding their location instead of sitting on an open branch. My last few trips to the nest, I have not had the opportunity to see the adults on the nest. Tonight, I was fortunate enough to see one of the adults bringing in the remains of a filleted salmon carcass in their talons. They then spent the next half hour by cutting off pieces from the carcass and feeding the eaglets. Once the feeding process was completed, the adult returned to their normal "roosting tree".
"Dinner Being Delivered" "Eaglets Are Patiently Waiting For The Deliver" "Landing" "Dinner Time" "Dividing The Meal"
"Returning To the Roosting Tree"

1 comment:

Stan Harrington said...

Left click will give you a better view as an enlargement.