Saturday, October 2, 2010

Random Dedicated Pictures

Although, I have been to Mount Rushmore several times, it well deserves visiting anytime that you are near. The history and the dynamics of these carvings in granite is over whelming, especially considering it was completed prior to the modern technology we enjoy today. A tour of museum, should be a mandatory video for all school age children. Just walking up the entrance through the fifty granite monuments, each bearing the name and flag of our fifty states gives you a sense of patriotism. The four Presidents can be seen from a long distance, the closer you get the presence is overwhelming. The story behind each of the four Presidents is interesting as to why they were chosen to be represented on Mount Rushmore. Those Presidents include Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.
It was not until this trip, that I discovered from the Needles Highway, you can also get a profile picture of President George Washington since he is the first in line in the carving.

This Photograph Is Dedicated To All Of Those Who Have Answered The Call To Defend Our Freedom.


This Big Gray Mare Runs Free In A Herd Of Wild Horses, She Also Represents Freedom, Yet Committed To A Family Unit. This Photograph Is Dedicated To My Eight Granddaughters And Three Great Granddaughters.


These Wild Burros Roam In Custer State Park, These Two Photographs Are Dedicated To My Five Grandsons, You Can Make Up Your Own Reason For This Specie To Be Chosen To Represent You. Keeping In Mind Another Name For A Burro, Donkey, Or Mule.


Shana said...

Um...Warren says..."Im not a donkey!"...and Melissa thinks your bringing her home a horse...a nice looking one at that...:)Love the profile of George! Can I have him?

Stan Harrington said...

The thing that struck me about these wild horses. They are living off the land, eating praire grass, except for grooming, they look great. Good body weight and muscle tone. Then look at some of our domestic horses, fed the finest of food, vet checks, vitamins, and not still not in the shape of the wild ones. Mother nature has a way caring for her own.

HOMER said...

maybe you chose the mule aka JACKASS because that is what you are and you feel the apple does not fall far from the tree.