Sunday, August 1, 2010

Countdown 365 ~ T-212

"Sunday With The Eagles"
With beautiful, sunny weather I decided to spend a little time at the "Eagle Nest", it was time well spent. Arriving at my vantage point, the "kids" were awake and appeared to be having a heavy discussion, most likely involving when lunch was going to arrive. They prepared themselves by doing "wing exercises" with a new twist of jumping up and down at the same time. The little one in front appears to be in deep thought while the other two patiently await for him to gather his thoughts.
"The Meeting"
In short time, one of the adults did return to the nest with a snack for the little ones until their main lunch arrived. "Lunch Arriving"
The little ones were happy to see the food arrive, but were quick to point out that they had been waiting for a long time. Two of them was not happy with a meager serving that was dropped in the nest.
"About Time You Get Back"
The adult caught the first sighting of the mate also arriving at the nest with the remainder of the lunch menu.
"Here Comes More Food"
The mate very gracefully makes the final approach to the nest, drops the flaps, and goes in for the perfect landing, mostly likely showing off to the little ones as to how it is properly done. Because they are all relatively close in size, the nest is getting a little small to hold hold five Eagles. At last, I was going to get to see them all in the nest again.
"Clear To Land"
Well, the best laid plans often go astray, despite all the fancy landings that a Eagle makes, someone always seems to have a camera when the crash occurs. The landing ended up in a ball of feathers and wings draped over the little ones in the crash. Somewhere in this mass of feathers, there are five Eagles. The tail feathers of both adults and the head of one of the adults is visible, whose wing is whose is only a guess.
"Crash In The Nest"
Getting feathers sorted out, lunch was served, a short time later one of the adults decided to go seek a little solitude.
"Take Off"
After the feeding chores were completed, the second adult also vacated the nest under the watchful eyes of the little ones. This particular lunch consisted of a salmon fillet with the snack appearing to be a piece of troll herring. "Slipping The Bounds Of The Nest"

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